Fabric pretreatmentFluffy and soft decontaminationHydrophilic silicone oil AntimicrobialFixing agent Degreaser Scouring agent LevelingSoapingSoftness SiliconeSmooth SiliconeHydrophilic SiliconeAnti-back staining Snow wash Low Yellowing Softener Hydrophilic Softener Anti-ozonated SoftenerAmino modified silicone Sequestering agent Strong Acidic Reductive Cleaner Strong Reductive CleanerPeroxide stabilizeSHANGHAI INTERDYEMosquito repellent finishing agentdyeTextile dyeing and finishing AIDSsilicone oil and softenerPrinting and dyeing technologyNew textile auxiliariesColor-changing materialcotton fabricFINISHING AUXILARYDYEING AUXILARY color fixing agent22nd China International Dye2023 textile auxiliariesAuxiliary agentThe 8th Pakistan International Dye Industry and organic pigments, textile chemicals ExhibitionWaterproofing agent for textilesHow to remove silicone oil from textilesThe actual effect of the softener of amino silicone oil and other organic chemical-based co-modified materials is mainly manifestedHow does the softener ensure that the textile product is soft and not yellow?How to improve the soaping fastness in the dyeing process of knitted fabricsWhat are the reasons for the dissolution of spandex knitted fabric during pre-treatment?Suggestions for solving yellowing of bleached clothScouring agent Acid bufferAcid-soaping-agent