Gloss and calender finish of cotton type fabric
Fabric gloss: fabric surface smooth, no fluff, fiber, yarn parallel, flat, fabric surface directional reflective light ability, reflective light intensity, fabric gloss is strong. Otherwise it's dim.
Mechanical calendering finishing principle: wet and hot pressing, fabric yarn is compressed, pressed down, fabric surface smooth, smooth, diffuse reflection weakened, directional reflection increased, so that gloss enhanced.
Calendering finishing machine, calendering machine-three high or five high, seven high arrangement.
Process, to wet---- stretch drying---hot rolling, press-- cooling cloth,
laminated calendering, so that several layers of fabric stacked together, through the same rolling point, the fabric rolling each other, there are ripple effect, texture clear, shiny, soft.
Friction calendering, when calendering, the friction roller (upper roller) rotating speed faster, so that the fabric by friction calendering effect, obtain a strong gloss. Feel hard and thin.
Electro-optical finishing, hard roller surface engraved with parallel fine twill, so that the fabric surface rolling parallel lines, regular directional reflection of light, like silk luster.
Texture finishing machine: one can be heated hard roller and a soft roller. The surface of the hard roller is engraved with a positive pattern, while the surface of the soft roller is engraved with a corresponding negative pattern. When the fabric is rolled and pressed, it runs at the same speed and produces concave and convex patterns on the fabric.